Curriculum Vitae English


Ph.D., Education, University of Vienna – Graduated with honors, 2021

Emphasis: International and comparative, historical schooling and education research

Title: The evidence of evidence-based policy: The case of No Child Left Behind – best possible grade (Excellent)

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Stefan T. Hopmann, University of Vienna

Reviewers and examiners: Dean Prof. Dr. Peter Hlebowitsh, School of Education, University of Alabama and

Prof. Dr. Dennis Shirley, Lynch School of Education, Boston College

Chair and examiner: Prof. Dr. Daniel Tröhler, Department of Education, University of Vienna


M.A., Teaching English, Psychology and Philosophy, University of Veinna

Emphasis: Cultural Studies and Applied Linguistics

Title: 'With liberty and justice for all' – Systemic Issues in American Higher Education

Faculty Positions

since June 2022: Postdoctoral Researcher, University Duisburg-Essen, Germany

Co-Lead of Research Area: Context-sensitive research and development of the school system

Research group: Education Research (Prof. Dr. Isabell van Ackeren-Mindl)

2019-2022: Senior Lecturer und Researcher, English Department, University of Applied Sciences Technikum Vienna

Curriculaum Development and Teaching, English as a Second Language, Technical English, Business English

2015-2019: University Assistant (Predoc), Department of Education, University of Vienna

Education Research and Theory (Prof. Dr. Henning Schluß)

2009-2015: High School Teacher for English as a Second Language, Psychology, Philosophy, Phönix Private High School, Vienna

2012-2022: External lecturer

Centre for Teacher Education, University of Vienna

Institute for General Pedagogy and Vocational Pedagogy, Technical University Darmstadt

Department for English and American Studies, University Vienna

University of Applied Sciences WKO Vienna, University of Applied Sciences IMC Krems

University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria in Wels, University of Applied Sciences Burgenland in Eisenstadt

2006-2007: German Language Assistant, Webster University, St. Louis, USA


President of the Society for the Study of Curriculum History, 2024-2026

Editorial Board Member, Journal of Curriculum Studies

Representative of non-tenured faculty in the Faculty for Education, University Duisburg-Essen

Representative of non-tenured faculty in a full professorship commission, University Duisburg-Essen

Doctoral student representative, Education Doctorate, University of Vienna, 2016-2021

Curriculum commission for BA Education, University of Vienna, 2018-2019

Curriculum commission for MA Management, University of Applied Sciences IMC Krems, 2017

Non-tenured faculty representative in hiring commission for a professorship, University Duisburg-Essen, 2024


Organizer: Transatlantic Roundtables of Education, Associated Conference to the AERA, Philadelphia, April 2024

Chair: Roundtable with German and U.S. scholars, Associated conference to AERA, Philadelphia, 2024

Workshop “Abstract writing as a tool for research and teaching”, Interdisziplinäry Center for Education Research, University Duisburg-Essen, 26 October 2023

Chair: Roundtable with German and U.S. scholars, International Cooperation in Education Conference, Associated conference to AERA, Chicago, 2023

Futures at the Intersection of Technology, Language, and Society, University of Applied Sciences Technikum, Vienna, 2 March 2020

Research methods workshop for doctoral students, University of Vienna, January 2017, July 2017, November 2018


German Educational Research Association (DGfE)

American Educational Research Association (AERA): Divisions F, L, Politics of Education (SIG)

Society for the Study of Curriculum History (SSCH)

British Education Research Association (BERA)

Center for Teacher Education (ZLB), University Duisburg-Essen

Interdisziplinary Center for Education Research (IZfB), University Duisburg-Essen


Swiss National Science Foundation

Journal for Curriculum Studies (JCS), since 2016

Society for the Study of Curriculum History (SSCH), since 2023

American Educational Research Association (AERA) annual onference, since 2018

BA and MA theses, University Duisburg-Essen, since Juni 2022

BA and MA theses, University of Vienna, University of Applied Sciences IMC Krems and Technikum, 2016-2022